Tuesday, January 2, 2018

My Thoughts on Luciana Vega! One of the Best GOTYs In a While

Hello fellow earthlings!
Or hello non-earthlings; I am honored to have you!

It's that time of the year again that people erase and rewrite the date on their school assignments over and over again because they can't seem to remember it's a new year.
It's also the time that American Girl releases a very special little girl...

Growing up, the beginning of the year was always exciting for me. I can't even express the pure joy I felt when the new AG catalog got delivered to my mailbox. Seeing a brand new, unique, original doll and her personal outfits enchanted me. It was magical. 

However, when Gabriela was released last year, nothing was the same.

She was merely an old TrulyMe that in fact, had previously been on my wishlist. Some of her accessories were also reused pieces that had different paint slapped on top. 
There was no magic.

As many others, I was upset that AG had put such little effort into the first African American Girl Of the Year. It really showed how much they care.

This year, American Girl has redeemed themselves with what might possibly be the best Girl Of the Year in history. Luciana Vega.

First, let's discuss the doll herself.

Her name is Luciana Vega, which implies that she is either Hispanic or Latina.
This makes me so happy! I love that American Girl is making more dolls of color in the GOTY line, especially well thought out ones. 

As far as her physical appearance, I have no complaints!
I absolutely adore the combination of Samantha's eyes, Lea's eyebrows, and of course her face mold and skin tone!

I think her hair is super cute! I love the purple streak in it! The best part is that its permanent! It's wonderful that AG is representing those of us that have colored hair.
I also find her side bangs super cute. I believe they are a different style than all the other side bangs American Girl has released. They just look so adorable with the rest of her hair and her sweet little face.

I just think she's SO beautiful, and I'm definitely going to buy her!

Now let's look at her meet outfit!

I really like the dress. We recently learned more about space in school, and I'm fascinated by galaxies and the scale of the universe. It's so interesting! I've also recently found the rabbit hole of astrology, zodiac signs, and the idea that the planets in our solar system have an effect on our lives. It's all very intriguing, so I've been digging galaxy print and constellations, etc. I think the colors represent Luciana's personality very well, and it looks very nice!

I freaking LOVE the boots. I'm glad that American Girl recognized that holographic things have really gained popularity, and made the boots holo. My inner holosexual is very pleased.
I also adore the style of the boots. Combat boots are so cute, especially when they're holo.
Once again, I like the holo choker, it's very trendy. I also adore the star necklace. It totally fits Luciana's space theme, and it's very cute and simple.
I like the red belt because it really helps tie the dress together. I suppose the "fanny pack" is convenient if she needs a pocket. I personally like it, but I'm assuming it will receive a bit of hate.
Overall, I like the holo and galaxy print, and I think her outfit is very cute.

Now onto her accessories that I totally want!

I LOVE the backpack! I like that it's holo, and I think the heart constellation is SO cute! It's such a cute way to showcase her personality.

I love that she has dried ice cream, that's awesome! I also adore the little smartwatch. It's such a cute item to have. I really like the star chart. I'm not even sure why, I just do. The certificate and notebook are such cute touches to this set, and they'de look nice in a dollhouse.

The mars biome...

It's super awesome and so detailed! I'd love to own it, as I think it would be so fun to mess around with, take pictures on, and film videos with. However, it seems pretty big, so I have no clue where I'd put it, and it's very expensive... I think it looks great though!

This flight outfit is so adorable!

The shoes are super cute and simple, so they could be worn pretty often with casual outfits. I really like the flight suit itself, and I really want it. The thing is, I'm not sure how often I'd use it, and I'm not thrilled about spending 28 dollars on something I might not use very often. It's very cute though!

Her desk/ maker station is cute!

It's not my favorite; it just doesn't have a very exciting, special element. I think its very detailed and realistic. It's very neat that you can build little rovers and whatnot out of the legos, and I really love the little succulent terrarium on top. Overall, I like it, but it doesn't really call me.

These are her pajamas!

I adore these so much, and I want them so badly!
I love the little nightgown. The style is so adorable, and I love the graphic. I like the play on the saying "I love you to the moon and back." I love that the heart is printed with moon craters, and how the same heart constellation from the backpack is on this as well. I also adore the leggings. They're so simple and cute! The slippers represent her personality as well. I just think these pjs are so adorable, and I need to own them!

Her telescope is cute, and totally something I imagine her having!

I like the telescope itself. It definitely seems more simple than a real telescope. But, I find it so interesting that it lights up and projects starts and other space scenes. Good job AG! That's such a cool feature! I like the phone, although it seems a bit random for a telescope set. The blanket is so cute, and I adore the patterns!

This dog is awesome!

I love that American Girl made a robotic dog instead of a real one. It works very well for Luciana's STEM interest. I find it so cool that the dog barks, wags it's tail and makes sounds. I also like that it has wheels on its feet and that it's posable! It's great that you can name the dog as well.

Here is her stellar outfit, which is my favorite item from her collection!

I ADORE her galaxy print converse shoes. I have always wanted more converse for my dolls, and I'm thrilled about the galaxy print! I have also been on the hunt for shorts to grow my tiny collection. I like that these ones are simple denim shorts, and the cute heart constellation in the corner adds a fun touch. The shirt reminds me of an athletic turtleneck. It looks very similar to Julie's old meet outfit shirt, for it is the same style and pattern, it just has different colors. I think it's very cute! Last but certainly not least is her ADORABLE jacket. Bomber jackets are totally in style right now. I love the colors of this one, and I think the patches add so much personality! I just love this outfit so much and I want it so badly!

And finally... my thoughts on her gift shop stuff.

I really like the shirt, and I might even get the set specifically for the shirt, although I could probably make it myself. I think everything else in this set is super cute, and it all reminds me of the gift shop at the museum.

That's it!

Overall, I LOVE her collection! I have no complaints. I think American Girl did a wonderful job with both Luciana, and her collection. It's also super important that we support AG by buying Luciana and her outfits and accessories so that they realize we like it when they make well thought out dolls of color, and dolls with unique and original hobbies. Honestly, I want just about everything from Luciana's collection, so it will be easy for me to show support. I think AG did a fantastic job with this Girl of the Year. In fact, she might be my favorite GOTY so far... Although, Kanani will always hold a special place in my heart. I'm not even sure how to explain it, but Luciana really calls my name, and she just enchants me. Especially in the photo below.

Before I go, I just wanted to share that none of these photos belong to me. They are stock photos from the American Girl website. I just needed them for the purpose of sharing my thoughts :)

Thank you all so much for reading this super long post!
I guess I had a lot to say, lol. I just love Luciana.

Comment below what you think of Luciana, and see you soon! ✧

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